Sod Quality Lawns
We can provide you with a lawn that is healthier than sod, at 1/3 the price!!
WHAT IS HYDROSEEDING??? Hydro Seeding also known as Hydro Mulching is a fast, cost effective way to have a new lawn that will turn your neighbors green with envy. This application is quickly becoming the chosen method in many places around the world to establish a lush green lawn.
Here’s how it works. Grass seed, fertilizer and hydraulic mulch are mixed into a thick slurry which is evenly sprayed onto your prepared soil. It is essential to use a thick layer of premium quality wood mulch to classify it as Hydro Mulching. We will always hydro mulch your lawn but we refer to it as hydro seed being the more popular term.
Once your lawn has been hydro seeded, the grass seed and fertilizer are protected by an attractive, green layer of hydro mulch. This layer seals in moisture and prevents rain from eroding the soil and washing away the seeds, even on steep banks. Because the seed is soaked with water in the mix, much faster germination will occur. We use the best Hydro Seeding equipment available manufactured by Turf Maker to deliver outstanding results.
At a fraction of the cost of sod, Hydroseeding is becoming the fastest and most cost effective way to establish a lush green lawn. By having your loam Hydro Seeded, you are insuring nearly 100% seed growth. Each seed is suspended and protected in a mulch mat. You won’t have the problem of watching your seeds wash away in streams. Seeds are held securely in place by the mulch fibers, which create a mini-greenhouse effect, retaining water and promoting germination. It produces a HIGH quality lawn without a high price tag.
Our special blend of premium seeds are applied with additives that promote rapid germination and deep roots. After we hydro seed you should see growth in 5-7 days (weather permitting) and in 3-4 weeks you will strat to have a lush full lawn.
You will be surprised how inexpensive it is to have a truly outstanding lawn.
We only provide the highest quality seeds for our customers. The seeds we use are the same seeds used on manyof the PGA Tour Golf Courses. Our seeds are coated with a Gravity PGS root stimulator to ensure healthy roots that will keep your yard beautiful year after year. For lawns we carry two types of popular seeds that have been proven to be the best for our zone. We also have the ability to blend any specific seed for custom options.
80/20 Bluegrass/Rye Blend -
This blend will give you that lush, dark green grass with a small mixture of perennial rye to keep grass thick and full.
Artimuss Tall Fescue Blend-
This beautiful fescue blend will grow very full and a little brighter green than the bluegrass blend. This grass is also more draught tolerant than bluegrass. The fescue blend also has a High Turf Performance Index which makes a great yard with higher traffic.